Hey Momma!

I'm gonna finish in Choctaw! Good thing. I don't wanna pack,
unpack, and pack, and then learn a new area for six weeks. I'm stoked. I love
this place. Hard, tough work but I like the members.

This week was a great testimony builder for me. One of our
investigators received a call from his mom a few days before his
baptism, anti-ing him. He was bombarded with negative thoughts and false ideas,
he lost his testimony of the restored gospel, and was thinking about just
"feeling it out" for a while before getting baptized; but we all knew
that if he did that, he would fall away. We invited him to fast with us.

I hadn't used fasting throughout my mission like I should
have. I knew it was a good thing but never put forth the effort outside of Fast
Sunday. A couple weeks ago we felt prompted to fast for a different
investigator who had been "leveling out" and seemed to be turning
into an eternal investigator; that he might have a desire to be baptized.
Before we even began our planned fast we heard, via his girlfriend, that he
thought he might be ready, though he hadn't expressed it to us yet. We decided
that we needed to continued as planned to fast. The next lesson, after the
fast, we invited him to be baptized, and he accepted and set a date. He is
still going strong and plans to enter the waters on the 20th of this month.
Seeing this and feeling prompted to do the same with this other investigator,
we not only fasted, but invited him to fast with us. He immediately accepted,
putting his halfway eaten candy bar down.
That next day, the day before his baptism, we visited with
him to follow up on the fast. He poured all his extra time into the Book of
Mormon and had plenty of questions for us. After helping him find the answers,
the Spirit leading the entire discussion, he was confident and ready to be
While I know that not every prayer or fast will be answered
in the way that I want it to, I know and can testify of the power that fasting
brings into the life of those whom the fast is in behalf of.
-Elder Wheatley

ps.. missionary work is legit. I love talking to everyone.
The feeling you get when you chase someone down and share the gospel with them
is awesome! haha.

Freak! Did I tell you? I'll keep it short... In my eye exam
I was able to share the gospel to two workers! I even shared the WHOLE first
lesson and first vision with one of the guys. He was legit and seemed very
interested. A member took us there and when we got in the car he's like,
"What were you and the worker talking about for SO long?"
I thought to myself, "So long??? I was in and out of
there. Quickest eye exam ever" I looked at the clock and it had be two and
a half hours! haha.
Until next week,
I love you MORE!!!!
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